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Wiki / Guides / Vick

Authod: Vick

A beginner’s guide to the world of Midhem.

  1. Foreword
  2. Creating your character
  3. Choosing a vocation
  4. Starting towns and respawn points
  5. Your first hunts and tasks
  6. Loot and rewards
  7. Lore points and how to invest them
  8. Additional mentions and information


Midhem is a game that includes a vast world with tons of areas to explore, monsters to slay and opportunities to make new friends and foes alike. It has many unique sprites and vistas to see and I’d like to advise anyone reading this guide to take the game at your own pace and truly enjoy what it has to offer. Midhem is best played as a marathon, not a race.

“Why hurry over beautiful things? Why not linger and enjoy them?” – Clara Schumann

Creating your character:

As you are about to embark on your journey in Midhem you will first need to create a character. You may do this after registering an account on After having successfully registered you will find that there are two server options to choose from:

Perma/Perna as the name suggests this is a permanent server that will never be reset. Any and all progress made on this server is here to stay. You will notice that there are many highly leveled characters on this server that have existed for several years.

Tempra/Tempana is as you might expect the opposite of Perma/Perna. It is a temporary and seasonal server that resets periodically. Fear not though as you may always transfer your characters from Tempra to Perma. Another benefit of playing the temporary server Tempra is that it has a seasonal highscore race. If you place anywhere in the top 20 achievement points on the server you will be awarded with 1 - 2 season tokens depending on your placement. Season tokens can be spent on permanent account bound cosmetics that will provide you with very useful bonuses. You can review this bonuses in greater detail at:

“From small acorns, mighty oaks grow.”

Choosing a vocation:

Knights are staunch defenders of their allies and are great at taking hits and dishing them back out at close range. They learn many powerful martial techniques like exori and others. Knights are a great choice for players who enjoy being in the frontline and like a more relaxed and safe type of gameplay. Knights are also one of the best vocations if you’re a solo player in Midhem.

Paladins are noble archers with a decent grasp of magic. They are great at dealing high amounts of damage from a distance but can also take a punch if needed. At later levels paladins will also be great for dealing damage in an area of effect. They are the most versatile vocation of the bunch.

Druids and sorcerers are the mages of Midhem. They are mentioned together because they are very similar. They can cast devastatingly strong spells in combat but are extremely fragile. Sorcerers prefer to focus their magic entirely on bringing quick death to their opponents while druids offer a bit less offensive capabilities, but instead can provide valuable support through healing and other support abilities.

Starting towns or respawn points:

Now that you’ve picked a server you want to play on and have most likely already decided on an epic name to instill fear in your enemies and hope in your allies, you’ll want to pick a residence for your character. The world of Midhem has quite a few options and each of these options comes with some benefits to beginners. I’ll outline them briefly below.

Thais/Carlin/Venore: Staple and familiar cities to those of us familiar with games like Midhem. It offers decent access to lower level spawns but overall for the purposes of this guide I would not recommend starting in any of these three towns.

Edron: This city is a great spawn point for those of us who prefer valiant knighthood over cowardly spellcasting and bowmanship. Edron is home to a very large goblin spawn to the west of the city gates. Killing 600 of these creatures will award you the war hammer (add pictures of both hammer and goblins). This weapon will serve to crush the skulls of your opponents effectively for a long time. In addition to having a great goblin spawn it also has a large troll, cyclops and fairly sizeable rotworm spawn. All creatures that a low level knight might enjoy hunting.

Darashia/Ankrahmun: These desert cities deserve special mention due to the amount of low level spawns available. Near Ankrahmun and Darashia you can hunt minotaurs, larvae, scarabs and rotworms. All spawns are very suitable to take quick levels early on.

Tindra: This city is entirely unique to Midhem and is in my humble opinion one of the best choices for mage players. Tindra has a massive troll and goblin spawn close to the city and killing many trolls is especially good for mages as after a 1,000 troll kills you might loot the secret item – a wand for level 26 and higher. Mages can do this task quite fast with the use of great fireball or fireball runes.

Canary: This city and island are the newest additions to Midhem and have many secret low, mid and high level spawns to be discovered. If you’re feeling brave maybe exploring Canary is the start you’re looking for!

Your first hunts and tasks:

In Midhem a lot of monsters that you’ll find and slay will be part of a task. Each task will reward you for completing several steps up until the point where you slay 2,000 of each type of monster. At 300 kills you’ll earn a bit of experience and at 600 kills you’ll earn an item. The amount of experience and items vary per monster and their difficulty of course impacts the reward as well.

Slaying 1,000 and 2,000 monsters respectively will also earn you lore points. More on these later. Just know that they’re important and are effectively the same as achievement points. IF you want to get an edge in Midhem definitely do your tasks as much as you can and want to.

Important to mention is that any task completion adds the same amount of achievement points to your character. This means that doing tasks early on weaker monsters is extremely lucrative as most players will not do this and lose out on many easy achievement points.

Some tasks are very worthwhile for specific classes. As mentioned before for knights and mages this means hunting goblins and trolls. For paladins however wyverns and bog raiders are extremely lucrative as 600 wyvern kills will earn you a very good bow and bog raiders may drop a paladin armor further enhancing your damage.

Starting hunts for knights:

Goblins, trolls, rotworms, cyclops, dragons.

Starting hunts for paladins:

Rotworms, minotaurs, cyclops, wyverns, bog raiders.

Starting hunts for mages:

Trolls, rotworms, goblins, undead monsters.

Special mention to mage players:

Out of all the vocations in the game you are especially good at clearing out lower level monsters with area of effect spells and runes, meaning you can complete these tasks significantly faster than the other vocations. You can earn yourself a cozy spot in the highscores this way but also earn lore points to strengthen your character.

Loot and rewards:

Slaying monsters and bosses in Midhem will award you with loot. Valuable items can be sold to the djinni at level 40 and higher. You can visit these ethereal salesmen by asking any flying carpet operator about djinns.

Lore points and how to invest them:

In this part of the guide I’ll outline how I personally build vocations with the lore system. You may of course decide to take your own path but I’ve found these to work very well. Every 50/75/125/150 lore points you can pick a bonus from the lore page. Remember that to get to the end of a row you’ll have the start at the left side. You can however unlock multiple rows at once.

Knights and paladins are very durable fighters and a lot of their durability comes from life leech. Life leech is reliant on the amount of damage you’re dealing and so for knights it great to rush critical damage in their lore bonuses. Additionally, knights and paladins can easily make large amounts of profit hunting just about anywhere and taking the loot bonus in the first row really adds onto that strength.

Being that knights and paladins mainly use their physical attacks to deal damage the “weaponry” trait is another must have.

Druids and sorcerers: While your first instinct might be to invest in even more damage on these classes, I personally tend to invest in both survivability and utility first on mages. I tend to go for the extra total health node, the extra capacity node and the extra mana leech node. Prioritizing these nodes adds considerable safety and utility to your hunts. You’ll both be able to hunt longer at a time due to the increase in supplies you can carry, but also cast more spells and stay alive longer.

Of course, eventually you will want to invest in damage as well and mages can also crit with their spells making crit an extremely valuable stat.

“Any journey begins with the first step.”

Additional mentions and information:

Makers are alternative characters that you can make and use to create runes or ammunition for your main character. You are allowed to have three characters online at the same time on Midhem. It is advised to create makers if you can to supply yourself.

Premium account and premium beds if you’re enjoying Midhem and you don’t mind investing into the server and its upkeep then premium accounts and especially premium beds are a great investment. It is smart to get a house in Midhem when you can and place a premium bed in it acquired from the store. Premium beds allow you to travel to VIP-trainers and several waypoints in the world of Midhem. VIP-trainers are especially good because you’ll be allowed to conjure runes and ammunition while training your magic level and skills respectively.

Some other key store items are outfits, infinite mango food, the skull backpack and the infinite blank rune. Having these items will make runesitting infinitely more relaxed and the skull backpack guarantees that your character will never run out of storage space or drop his or her backpack.

Troll Berserker

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